Kibune Kawadoko

Kibune Kawadoko
Voice Guide of Spot Introduction
Page last updated: Feb, 21, 2019
TOURIST Guide editing dept.
Jason Surguine

Seating out on kawadoko, or covered platforms just over the river, is a Kyoto summer tradition and you can see why. The water is so close, you could touch it just by stretching out an arm or a leg. Listening to the calm ripples of the Kibune river while enjoying a meal in a Japanese style room is truly a refreshing experience.

It is said that kawadoko came about during the Azuchi-Momoyama period. Kyoto basin has famously scorching summers even compared to the hot inner city area. The river’s average temperature, however, is below 10 degrees Celsius, so people built a bridge near the water to entertain guests. Along the riverbank, there are about 20 restaurants of various types, such as Japanese Traditional multi-course meal(kaiseki), river bed cuisine, nagashi somen and so on.

In cases of bad weather, entry to the river bed is closed off, but it is usually very popular and seats fill up fast. We recommend you check out the information pamphlets at local shops or ryokans and make reservations in advance. Let’s enjoy Kyoto cuisine on the river bed, staying cool and comfortable thanks to the natural air conditioning.

Information of Spot Detail


Kurama Kibunecho, Sakyo-ku Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Japan

Telephone Number

[KifuneTourism Association] 075-741-4444

Spot Types

Attractions,shopping complex

Business Hours

Varies by shop

Regular Holiday

Varies by shop


Varies by shop


Kyoto bus runs daily from the Eizan Railway "Kifuneguchi" station to Kifune

※The written notice and information on this page are as of the date of publication. Please refer or confirm the latest information of each spot on individual introduced website.


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Shiga Kyoto Osaka Hyogo Nara Wakayama
Tottori Shimane Okayama Hiroshima Yamaguchi
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