Tetsugaku-no-michi (The Philosopher's Walk)

Kitaro Nishida, one of the leading philosophers in Japan, is famous for having said “Live and let live, I go my own way “ and ”People create the environment, the environment will create the people.” The "Tetsugaku-no-michi " walkway was named because he walked with indignation in thought here. Starting from the bottom, the walking path stretches 1.5 kilometers along the Lake Biwa canal from the vicinity of the Kumano nikyaku-ou-jinja Shrine north of Eikan Temple to the grounds of Ginkakuji temple. It is about a half hour walking from end to end and is the perfect path to traipse lost in thought. Approximately 500 cherry blossom trees are planted along the Tetsugaku-no-michi, and it is a popular tourist spot in the spring. Besides spring, the green foliage and fall colors are also beautiful, not to mention the wondrous sight of early summer fireflies. Along the Tetsugaku-no-michi, popular tourist stops such as Eikan temple, Honen-in Temple, and Ginkakuji are all conveniently on the same path, so please enjoy your walk along the way.
South end: Take Kyoto city bus, get off at "Nanzen-ji / Eikan-do- mich"
Northern end: Take Kyoto city bus, get off at "Ginkakuji michi"
※The written notice and information on this page are as of the date of publication. Please refer or confirm the latest information of each spot on individual introduced website.