Kawai-jinja Shrine

Kawai-jinja Shrine, located on the southern side of the "Tadasuno-mori forest," is known as a power spot and a popular place among women. It is also known as the "Kamo-no Kawa-aini-imasu okosohe-jinja shrine." The building is small, but it was formerly the head shrine of Shimogamo Shrine, where sacred ceremonies were performed for the mother of Emperor Jinmu, "Tamayori hime-no-mikoto" (Empress Tamayori), who was the very first emperor of Japan. Empress Tamayori was known for her beauty and is now considered a guardian of women, watching over childbirth, marriage, and beauty. For women who want to be beautiful, you can draw the face you want to have on the "Kagami-ema" in hopes your wish will come true. On the west side of the precinct is the small sub-shrine "Tobe-sha." Because the festival's Yata-garasu-no Mikoto is a symbol of the Japan Football Association, visitors found here are often praying for their favorite team to win. Additionally, there is a replica of the hut where famous author Kamo no Chomei spent his last years. The hut is about 3 square meters big and the story Kamo no Chomei wrote while residing here is called “Houjyou-ki.” “Houjyou" a term used in the "Ichijyou-shihou" measurement system. Kamo no Chomei was born to a family that served Shimogamo-jinja Shrine and hoped to serve this Kawai-jinja Shrine, which was also called "Tadasu-no yashiro" at the time, but alas, it was not meant to be. As for the real hut, its believed location is marked by a huge stone called "Houjyou stone" on Hinoyama mountain of Fushimi.
59, Shimogamo Izumigawacho, Sakyo-ku Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Japan

[Shimogamo-jinja Shrine] 075-781-0010
Temples/shrines,Spiritual sites
[Shimogamo-jinja Shrine] 6: 30 ~ 17: 00
Open year around
About 7 minutes on foot from Keihan Demachi Yanagi Station
Get off at Shin-Aoi bashi at Kyoto-shi bus 4 · 205, about 4 minutes on foot from the stop
※The written notice and information on this page are as of the date of publication. Please refer or confirm the latest information of each spot on individual introduced website.