Korokan Historical Museum

Korokan is an ancient guest house built in the 7th century for diplomacy and foreign trade.
It is said that it welcomed envoys, delegates from the ancient Korean Kingdom of Shiragi, and merchants for 400 years.
The oldest Chronicles of Japan describe how Shiragi delegates were welcomed in the year 688.
It's name during the Nara period was Tsukushi No Murotsumi, but was changed to Korokan in the early Heian period.
The name Ko-ro-kan derives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the ancient Chinese Province of Tang which is named, 'Ko-ro-ji'. Ko meaning "Large" and Ro meaning "Communication".
There were several Korokans built in Heian-kyo in Kyoto, Namba in Osaka, and in here in Fukuoka.
However, the remains of a Korokan were only found in Fukuoka.
After the remains were found in 1987, excavation and research started the next year.
To protect the excavated remains from stormy weather, special covering roofs were built so that cornerstones and other remnants could be displayed in the same condition as when they were found.
1, Jonai, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka-Shi, Fukuoka

Attractions, Museums
9:00 to 17:00
Dec. 29 - Jan. 3rd
7 minutes walk from Subway Akasaka Station
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