Tochoji Temple Rokkakudo

Rokkakudo stands on the corner of Tochoji Temple and was built in 1842.
Rokkaku means hexagon, so not only the Buddha hall, but also the Butsugan inside are hexagonal shapes.
The Butsugan is a small space where a Buddha statue is enshrined.
The Butsugan enshrined in Rokkakudo include the Monju Bodhisattva, Jizo Bodhisattva, Healing Buddha Statue, White Robe Kannon Statue, and North Star Talisman Idol.
In addition, because the Butsugan in Rokkakudo revolves, it is called a Rinzo.
This was supposedly created for people who were illiterate and could not read the sutras.
After it revolved, followers could practice the virtues while others read the sutras.
The Buddhist Scripture Rinzo painting of Zushi Tobira was created using caligraphy brushes and is open to the public on the 28th of every month.
2-4, Gokusho-machi, Hakata-ku,Fukuoka-Shi, Fukuoka

Shingon sect
9:00 to 17:00
No closing days
A short walk from Subway Gion Station
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