Mt. Miyoutoku Kegon-Ji Temple (Suzumushi-Dera Temple)

Within the main hall of the Suzumushi-Dera Temple, the sound of "suzumushi,” or bell crickets, echoes throughout the year. The official name of this temple is Myoutokuzan Kegon-Ji Temple and it was opened in 1723 by the eminent monk Houtan Shounin. Houtan studied countless Buddhist texts from many temples in Kyoto and Osaka, completing his studies at the Kegon sect in Nara. He then shared the teachings of the Kegon sect with many people in an easy-to-understand manner. In 1868, the Kegon-Ji Temple was converted to the Rinzai sect. The name Suzumushi-Dera temple derives from the tale of a monk who opened up to Zen by listening to the crickets. After enlightenment, he could hear the singing of the suzumushi irrespective of the season. There are always more than 10,000 suzumushi bred to live inside the main hall, where you can hear the beautiful singing. Those who come to pray at Suzumushi-Dera Temple are ushered through to the main hall and while listening to the chirping of crickets, tea and sweets are provided as a monk tells you stories about the suzumushi. Moreover, standing at the mountain gate of Suzumushi-Dera Temple is a Koufuku Jizou-San, a Jizo statue of happiness wearing straw sandals. It is widely believed that if you pray to the statue, your wish will come true, and now people from all over the country come to pay their respects.
31 Matsumuro Jikecho, Nishikyo-ku Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

9:00 to 17:00 (last entry is 16:30)
Open Year Round
High School Student or Older 500 yen, Junior High School Student or Younger 300 yen (with sweets and tea)
About 10 minute walk from Matsuo Taisha-mae station on the Hankyu Railway
About 45 minute bus ride from JR Kyoto Station, Kyoto Municipal Transportation Bureau bus, get off at (Matsuo Taisha-mae), 15 minute walk from the stop
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